Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011


I know there are some people that genuinely enjoy PBR, and that there are a lot more people that drink it because it is cheap. But who drinks an entire can as they walk down a street in the middle of February?

Can I ask a personal favor to all the people out there that throw garbage in my yard? If you simply must throw empty beer cans on my lawn, does it have to be PBR? Can't it be something fancier or imported? Help us class the street up a little bit.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Found a half-eaten burrito in the flower bed today. We're currently weighing the option of cleaning it up versus letting its nutrients slowly trickle into the soil. It's disgusting now, but just think of the reward that would surely come in the spring!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Medical Malpractice

I know there has to be some sort of reasonable explanation for why a dirty, used latex glove is on my side walk, I just.....can't....figure out what it is.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Garbage rewind

To be clear, there has been garbage in my yard long before there was ever a blog about it. The first garbage was a VCR - just sitting in front of the house the day we moved in.

This necessitates that we take an occasion to hop into the garbage wayback machine, and look at some of the most memorable garbage.

It was the night of September 18th, 2009. My sister was visiting and our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a crying cat. Sure enough, someone threw some very cute garbage in our yard: a three week old kitten!

It was cold, sad, and smelled like garbage. Also...

That's right. Barely even a nub.

Despite the apparent defect (to call it "cute" would be patronizing), the kitty seemed worth keeping around. We couldn't keep her, so she went to my parents. They named her Shaylee and she is doing fine.