Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bunny Rabbit

Last night we returned from the movie theater, having seen The Adjustment Bureau. We pulled up to the house while sharing our pontifications about free will and the merits of stealing people's fedoras (see the film for some context here). Our conversation was interrupted by a sighting of a small animal grazing in the yard.

Cats have been known to darken our doorstep, but this one was different. A few more seconds of observation made it clear we were looking at a rabbit. Not just any rabbit, a bunny rabbit.

Forgive the quality of the the pictures. They look like UFO sighting pictures because all I had was a cell phone camera, incandescent street lighting, and long distance - you can't get close to these things or they run away... more on that later.

Mind you, we live in Salt Lake City, minutes from downtown. Rabbits do not normally hang out in this type of area. I know... I checked... online... Being somewhat concerned that the animal was someone's escaped pet, we made the hasty decision to try and catch it.

Doing our best to blocked all potential exits, it got away. It ran - nay - hopped across the street to the neighbor's yard. No one wanted to invade their territory, so it got away.

If you have a pet bunny, keep it in your house. If you are a surprisingly cute wild bunny, go easy on eating the grass. It's just rude.

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