Thursday, December 29, 2011

Home Electronics

I'm frankly concerned that someone in the United States is still using one CD-R, let alone an entire package.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Garbage Cat

Strictly speaking, this dude was not thrown in our yard, but he did smell like garbage. He was lying in the middle of the street, clearly injured and bleeding a little. We adopted him for the next 12 hours and sent him to animal shelter.

In this picture he is saying "I hate Mondays". Ha!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why does this exist?

I've considered putting a sign on the recycle container that says "Please place your obsolete book full of phone numbers here".

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Join the Team...

... and preserve the land???
Big tobacco, once notorious for its wildly successful, but deadly ad campaigns, is clearly unable to get its message across.

Friday, July 29, 2011


This person left their garbagy car in front of a house. The car was subsequently impounded for being garbage. They then threw their garbage impound notice in our yard.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mexican Coke

Apparently this Mexican Coke garbage is better than American Coke garbage, because they bottle with sugar cane...

Right, I don't get it either. High-fructose corn syrup, ftw.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This will blow your mind...

A garbage bag with no garbage in it? Is that garbage?.. Just let that little existential bomb sink in for a moment.

By the way, thanks for the flowers folks... definitely not garbage.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hot Pocket!

For every Hot Pocket joke told, Jim Gaffigan must receive five cents in royalties, so I won't say anything about this discovery.

Monday, May 30, 2011

home invasion.

I think between the garbage and the gophers, that ship has sailed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Delicious Hair Bald

Translates to "Delicious Hair Bald". More facts about Pelon Pelo Rico can be found on the following Wikipedia page:

Monday, May 9, 2011

paper airplane

I don't think this little guy made it to his intended destination. How sad.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Saftey Glasses

Seriously, some garbage just makes me wonder. Why does one feel compelled to discard their safety glass lenses in our yard? If these glasses could talk, would they tell a story? Maybe some 8th grader gave up on his or her dreams of wood working. Maybe some careless soul decided they're too cool for safety.

Perhaps they upgraded to these:

Or even these:

Wait a second... I've seen her glasses before...

That's right! Wedge Antilles! Now I have to have them.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bunny Rabbit

Last night we returned from the movie theater, having seen The Adjustment Bureau. We pulled up to the house while sharing our pontifications about free will and the merits of stealing people's fedoras (see the film for some context here). Our conversation was interrupted by a sighting of a small animal grazing in the yard.

Cats have been known to darken our doorstep, but this one was different. A few more seconds of observation made it clear we were looking at a rabbit. Not just any rabbit, a bunny rabbit.

Forgive the quality of the the pictures. They look like UFO sighting pictures because all I had was a cell phone camera, incandescent street lighting, and long distance - you can't get close to these things or they run away... more on that later.

Mind you, we live in Salt Lake City, minutes from downtown. Rabbits do not normally hang out in this type of area. I know... I checked... online... Being somewhat concerned that the animal was someone's escaped pet, we made the hasty decision to try and catch it.

Doing our best to blocked all potential exits, it got away. It ran - nay - hopped across the street to the neighbor's yard. No one wanted to invade their territory, so it got away.

If you have a pet bunny, keep it in your house. If you are a surprisingly cute wild bunny, go easy on eating the grass. It's just rude.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011


I know there are some people that genuinely enjoy PBR, and that there are a lot more people that drink it because it is cheap. But who drinks an entire can as they walk down a street in the middle of February?

Can I ask a personal favor to all the people out there that throw garbage in my yard? If you simply must throw empty beer cans on my lawn, does it have to be PBR? Can't it be something fancier or imported? Help us class the street up a little bit.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Found a half-eaten burrito in the flower bed today. We're currently weighing the option of cleaning it up versus letting its nutrients slowly trickle into the soil. It's disgusting now, but just think of the reward that would surely come in the spring!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Medical Malpractice

I know there has to be some sort of reasonable explanation for why a dirty, used latex glove is on my side walk, I just.....can't....figure out what it is.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Garbage rewind

To be clear, there has been garbage in my yard long before there was ever a blog about it. The first garbage was a VCR - just sitting in front of the house the day we moved in.

This necessitates that we take an occasion to hop into the garbage wayback machine, and look at some of the most memorable garbage.

It was the night of September 18th, 2009. My sister was visiting and our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a crying cat. Sure enough, someone threw some very cute garbage in our yard: a three week old kitten!

It was cold, sad, and smelled like garbage. Also...

That's right. Barely even a nub.

Despite the apparent defect (to call it "cute" would be patronizing), the kitty seemed worth keeping around. We couldn't keep her, so she went to my parents. They named her Shaylee and she is doing fine.